Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Jeffrey Don Lundgren, Prophet of Death

A Cult is Born

Jeff, as he had in Independence, began teaching from his home. People were quickly enthralled with his seemingly boundless memory for Scripture and his promises to do good deeds. Rumors were already beginning to circulate that Jeff was more than just a guide for the church and was often times compared to the late Joseph Smith, Jr. Whether he was a con man who believed his own con, or a delusional fanatic, Lundgren seemed to have a very strong hold over his rapidly growing group of followers.

Jeff's former Navy pal Kevin Currie traveled to Kirtland in October of 1984 and was shocked to find his old friend at the Temple Visitors Center. Following a tour of the Church, Kevin was invited back to the Lundgren household and was immediately taken in by Jeff's teachings, so much so that he relocated to Kirtland and was soon turning over every paycheck he earned to Jeff.

During May of 1985, Danny Kraft and Sharon Bluntschly came to Kirtland in search of guide jobs. As with Kevin, Jeff quickly took them in to the family. While Sharon took care of the various household duties, Danny followed Kevin's example and began contributing his paychecks to the family.

On Memorial Day weekend, 1985, twenty-year-old Richard Brand traveled to Kirtland to partake in one of the Temple's well-known tours. A native of Missouri, Richard had been raised in the RLDS church and had just earned a degree in civil engineering from the University of Missouri. He was engaged to be married and seemed to have his life in order.

After taking the Temple tour, Lundgren invited Richard into his household. Richard was so impressed with Jeff's teachings that he returned the following year and moved in permanently with the steadily growing family. Richard then invited his friend Greg Winship to the group. Greg, also a college graduate, had recently divorced his wife and currently had no true path in life. Upon visiting with his old friend, Greg was convinced Jeff was a prophet and decided to join the family in order to learn God's message.

In August of 1986, Dennis and Tonya Patrick and their daughter Molly moved to Kirtland from Independence, Missouri. Both were active in the RLDS church and had known Jeff and Alice from CMSU. The young couple, while upset with the abusive manor in which Jeff treated his children, was so fascinated with his teachings that they saw no other alternative than to go along with the group.


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