Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

The Trophy Wife and the Tennis Pro


Werner Hartmann's stereos may have pumped out beautiful music, but, not long after it began, his marriage to Debra had already hit a sour note.

Just two years into the marriage, Werner called his ex-wife, Vasiliki, and confided to her that his replacement wife was spending all of his money, staying out all night supposedly with her girlfriends and using drugs.

Early one morning, after yet another night of partying, Debra came home wearing nothing but a long mink coat and high heels. Werner had had enough. They fought. He grabbed a gun, and she ran for the Rolls Royce. Werner fired shots at the car as Debra tore out of the driveway.

On another late-night outing, police spotted Debra's Rolls Royce barreling through downtown Chicago. She was hurling champagne glasses out the window. When the cops stopped Debra, they found a notorious Chicago drug dealer beside her and a gun under the seat.

In October 1981, the Hartmann marriage, already on life support, suffered its death-blow when Debra started dating a local tennis pro and part-time gun store clerk named John Korabik.

"Debbie was dating Korabik pretty openly," Gorman said. "He'd come into the store and they'd leave together."

For the hard-working Werner Hartmann, who stood a diminutive 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed just 130 pounds, seeing his wife carrying on right in front of his face with the young, 6-foot 3-inch Adonis was too much.

"My father was planning on divorcing Debra," Stephanie Hartmann recalled. "Debra knew it. I know that for sure. He told me."

Debra may have known the marriage was over, but she didn't let that affect her behavior in the least. She certainly hadn't been acting like a married woman.

Besides, she had a better plan than divorce.

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