Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Fortune's End: The Mysterious Murder of Sir Harry Oakes

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Bowdoin College Library Archives
Young Harry Oakes was determined to get ahead. He went to Canada and became rich, then moved to the Bahamas to eliminate his taxes.

Sir Harry Oakes, later in life. He was named a baronet by the King of England in 1939 in recognition for his aid and achievements in the Bahamas.

<a href='' target='_blank'>H.G. Christie</a>
Sir Harold Christie was a well-known figure in the Bahamas. He owned many acres of real estate, and was part of the 'upper crust' of Nassau. He was the person who discovered the body of Sir Harry.

Axel Wenner-Gren was a man of means in Nassau. It was suspected by some that he was involved in the murder of Sir Harry Oakes because of a failed deal concerning gambling for the island.

A Mafia boss, Charles 'Lucky' Luciano seemed to have influence everywhere. He was deported from America, but was thought to continue 'business as usual' from overseas. There were rumors that he was involved in Sir Harry Oakes' murder.

Meyer Lansky was also rumored to have had a hand in Oakes' murder. The Mob wanted to open casinos in the islands, and Oakes was one of the three most influential people in Nassau.

Harry Oakes built a grand home in Canada, after his mine started producing incredible amounts of gold. The house had a charm and style which shows through even today. Because of the government taxes on his enterprise, he left Canada and changed his citizenship to the Bahamas, where there were no taxes to pay.

The Bahamas are a group of islands east and north of Cuba. Nassau is the government's seat.

The Bahamas Flag has changed several times throughout the years. This is the flag during the time Sir Harry Oakes was a resident, until 1955, when it was changed again.

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