Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods


About Roy Hazelwood

Roy Hazelwood
Roy Hazelwood

Roy Hazelwood was one of the original profilers when the Behavioral Science Unit was first developed at Quantico. He was a Supervisory Special Agent with a focus on sexual crimes. Serving with the FBI for twenty-two years, he taught courses at the Academy, the University of Virginia, the University of Pennsylvania, the U. S. Military Police CID, and the Southern Police Institute. He is now Affiliate Professor of Administrative Justice at George Mason University and has appeared as an expert on criminal investigations on numerous radio and television shows. Hazelwood is a board certified forensic examiner and a commentator for The Forensic Echo.

Before joining the FBI, he achieved the rank of Major in the Army Military Police Corp. Holding a Master of Science from NOVA University, he also studied forensic medicine at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington DC. He has received numerous awards and certificates from universities, criminal justice associations, and law enforcement agencies around the country.

Hazelwood's early interest in autoerotic fatalities initiated a groundbreaking study that compiled the results of over 150 cases. He also conducted the largest known survey of police attitudes toward rape. With Drs. Park Dietz and Janet Warren, Hazelwood interviewed incarcerated men convicted of sexually sadistic crimes. They then did an involved study of the wives and girlfriends of sexual sadists. With Dr. John Hunter of the University of Virginia, Hazelwood is now researching juvenile sex offenders.

Currently he is vice president of the Academy Group, Inc., which includes other former members of the BSU. Together they form a formidable forensic consulting firm, utilized by government, industry, and the criminal justice system. Hazelwood has been a consultant to law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Puerto Rico. He testifies as an expert witness in both criminal and civil cases and has been before Presidential and congressional committees. His most frequent consultations involve homicide and sexual assault.

Among his many published articles are "The Lust Murderer," co-authored with John Douglas, and "The Behavioral-Oriented Interview of Rape Victims: The Key to Profiling." Books that he has co-authored include Autoerotic Fatalities, Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation, Deviant and Criminal Sexuality, and The Evil That Men Do.

We're Following
Slender Man stabbing, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Gilberto Valle 'Cannibal Cop'