Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

The Murder of Albert Snyder

"Judd Did It!"

Both versions, Ruths and Judds, agree that, on a trip to Kingston, New York, Judd purchased chloroform, a sash weight, and a picture wire. They also agree that, in a meeting at Henrys, where the couple had first met, Judd presented Ruth with a package. He did not reveal its contents but said, Im in an awful hurry, Momie. I have to get the 1:25 train. Judd told her to take the package home.

When Ruth opened the package, she saw that it contained an odd mixture of the prosaic and the profane. First, there was the flesh reducer. This item was something Ruth wanted, a rolling pin device to melt excess fat. She also saw that there was a sash weight, some powders, and a note from Judd. The letter said that she should put the powders in Alberts drink to make him groggy so that Judd could kill him easily with the weight. Horrified, Ruth poured the powders down the sink. She was going to give the weight back to Judd and terminate the affair.

Yet Judd showed up a few days later, saying he was there to finish the Governor. Both often called Albert the Governor.

Judd, you cant do such a thing, Ruth replied.

Well, he countered, if I cant do it tonight, I am coming back . . .[to] get him. Judd soon sent Ruth another lagniappe. This one also contained powders to spike Alberts drink. Ruth was also instructed to leave the side doors unlocked. Ruth later said she disposed of the powders -- but did admit leaving the doors open. She claimed that her intent was to inform Judd upon his arrival that their relationship was finally over.

It was just after midnight on Sunday, March 20, when Judd slipped into Albert and Ruth Snyders house through an unlocked side door. Albert, Ruth, and Lorraine were still at a neighbors house where the adults were playing bridge. Albert had been drinking fairly heavily, but he drove home safely at about 2:00 a.m. Tired, Albert went straight to bed.

Mother and child went to Lorraines room. On the way back to the couples bedroom, Ruth encountered Judd in the guest bedroom.

Be very quiet, Ruth told him. Ill see you later.

Then Ruth got dressed for bed and lay in a nightgown beside her husband. When she thought he had gone to sleep, she got out of bed and went to see her clandestine visitor. Meanwhile, Judd had donned rubber gloves.

Judd, she said plaintively, What are you going to do?

If you dont let me go through with it tonight, Im going to get the pair of us. Its he (sic) or us.

Ruth pulled at his arm and he reluctantly accompanied her downstairs. She pleaded with Judd not to kill Albert. Judd appeared convinced, and promised to leave without incident. 

Relieved, Ruth went upstairs to the bathroom. Then she was startled by a terrific thud. Terrified, she rushed to the bedroom to find Judd on top of her husband, kneeling on Alberts back. She tried to pull him off. Then she fainted. When she regained consciousness, a motionless Albert was piled up with blankets. She started to remove them, but Judd pulled her into her mothers room.

Ive gone through with it, he told her, and you have to stand just as much of the blame as I have. We can frame up a burglary and well both get out of it.

Ruth, in shock, listened.

My shirt is covered with blood, Judd said, Lets see if you have any on you.

Looking down at her nightgown, Ruth saw a bloody palm print where Judd had struggled with her. They burned that nightgown and Judds stained shirt. Judd took one of Alberts shirts.

Judd told her to wait while he ransacked the house to fake a burglary. But neither of them thought to take some the most valuable items in the house, Ruths jewelry. Instead, Ruth took her jewelry and put it under the mattress. For some reason, neither of them thought to have Judd simply take the jewelry when he left. Then he tied her up and put cheesecloth in her mouth.

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