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Death Knight: The Story of Kimveer Gill

By David Lohr



          Remarkably, two police officers happened to be passing by the college just minutes after the shooting began.  They immediately exited their vehicle and cautiously made their way inside the building.

          Once inside the school, Gill positioned himself behind a vending machine, where he was able to take cover as he fired at anyone within sight.  At one point he zeroed in on a teenager who tried to photograph him with his mobile phone, causing the teen to run from a hail of bullets.

Students Run for Cover
Students Run for Cover

          Andrea Barone, 17, described a horrifying scene to The Toronto Star.  "We were all hidden behind the wall in the cafeteria. All we heard was gunshots, back and forth, (within) every minute. That went on for about 15 minutes or so. . .

          "All (he) was saying was, 'Get back, get back.' He was saying that every so often. He was obviously talking to the policemen because they were slowly coming closer to him..."

Body Covered
Body Covered

           As the sound of gunshots faded and the smell of gunpowder drifted away, one student was dead and several others were wounded. Kimveer Gill's own body lay motionless near the entranceway, a pool of blood surrounding him.

          "Today we have witnessed a cowardly and senseless act of violence unfold at Montréal's Dawson College," Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during a press conference shortly after the shootings took place.  "Our primary concern right now is to ensure the safety and recovery of all those who were injured during this tragedy."

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By David Lohr

School Massacres in the Crime Library

Kimveer Gill's Victims Try to Cope with Tragedy

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