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Remains Found May Be Shamaia Smith's

By David Lohr

April 23, 2007


STAFFORD, Conn. (Crime Library) — Last month, an exotic dancer disappeared on her way to work at a Vernon strip club.  Despite the lack of a body, authorities claim they have evidence suggesting the young woman was murdered.  Remains found recently in Stafford may be those of Shamaia.

Shamaia Smith
Shamaia Smith

Police have yet to make an arrest, but they do have a person of interest in the case, a man who, until recent weeks, was known throughout town as a friendly person with strong family values.

On March 14, Shamaia Smith, 22, disappeared on her way to work at Kahoots, a Windsor Avenue strip club.  When she failed to return home the following day, her mother, Gloria Frink, called the East Hartford Police Department, and reported her missing. 


"I know my daughter," Frink told the Hartford Courant.  "She always calls me and lets me know where she is and when she's coming All I can do is just wait, and pray to God she walks through that door."

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Contact  David Lohr at           crimewriter74@hughes.net

David Lohr


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